New beginnings.

Hello, Hello!

Hope you all had a wonderful break for the holidays. I can't tell you how good it feels get away from the computer and other essential electronics for 2 weeks. What a treat! But it is good to be back. We went to California for the break, and as good as it is to be home finally, I do miss the leisurely days.

But it's the beginning of the week. And January. And 2010. And it feels good. I feel fresh, ready to restart. Like trying on new clothes. Or diving into the lap lane. Fresh is always good.

So, I am a big goal setter. Remember this post? And I have already started to round up my resolutions for the upcoming year. But I have learned through experience, to only set a few....too many goals ensures total doom (usually the lose 10 pounds kinda goals!)  I have my own personal and family resolutions (namely to stop complaining about things I can't control and to make sure my husband knows he is the center of my universe), but for my art....

1. Finish the art for my first picture book

2. Draw every single day

You'd think that drawing every day would be rather easy to do...but OH it's hard to find the time...and the free elbow room to even draw on paper when I have 3 other little ones claiming my other limbs! And the book....I've been working on this for a while now, and it's so rewarding...nothing like being challenged doing something you love.

So yes...bring on the new year. Bring on the new vision, the new goals and the fresh start.

What goals are you setting this year? I have a good feeling. It's going to be a great year.