Newest Fabric Collection: SOMMER

It's coming! Behind the scenes I've been getting my latest textile collection all ready to launch at Quilt Market this year with Michael Miller Fabrics, and I'm more than excited. I have so much to share about this collection, and I'll be trickling in more about it in the coming weeks as it gets closer to hitting shelves. I'm debuting next month at Quilt Market, and fabric will be arriving in stores come January. 

Sommer is something I've had in my heart for a long time. I wanted to create a collection that reflected my love of beautiful Scandinavian summers. You'll be seeing flowers, swans, birds and lots of fresh colors. I also wanted to create a collection that was sweet enough for the children, but sophisticated and feminine for the ladies too. You'll be seeing lots more of that later! But for now, I'm welcoming SOMMER! 


Back To School Feast


Last night we had our  back to school feast to get ready for the school year ahead and introduced our theme for the year " learn with joy..." (Jacob 4:3) It's always hard to pick out the one that will serve all my kids equally, as they all have different needs. But we've been talking a lot about the joy of learning, and being excited and grateful for our minds and the chance we have to learn and grow and experience new things, even if they are hard or boring at first. We talked about how when we go into learning something new with a joyful attitude versus a frustrated attitude, our brains are actually apt to retain and learn more resiliently and we are more likely to succeed than if we are sulking or indifferent. We talked about how God wants us to have joy and he gave us this whole wide world to learn about and to develop skills to serve others and contribute to the world around us. We talked about how math is hard but when we have a positive attitude about it, it can become really fun! Overall success! 

Every year it seems like our family adopts some kind of motto, mostly informal, and one that gets repeated a lot. But it's usually something for maybe one child, or for a certain situation. (Last year it was "You can't FREAK OUT and FIX A PROBLEM at the same time." (So, just fix the problem, and skip the freak out) Although, that might be a running theme for a while:) These family themes are good to draw back to when the excitement of routines wear off, or when I need to point to something on the wall, rather than say something over and over again:)  It really brings the family together. 

Feel free to download your own if you'd like. I've made it 11x14" but you can scale it down to fit your printer. Or take it to a printing place and print larger or whatever you'd like. 

Happy first days of school everyone! 


Sarah Jane

Stephanie Nielson's Home Tour: Wallpaper

It's not every day that you are in a home that makes you feel completely alive. Stephanie Nielson of Nie Nie Dialogues is a dear friend of mine and lives in my town, and I was so thrilled when she wanted to use my wallpaper to decorate her kids' spaces. 

With 5 kids, she has a girl's room and a boy's room with built in bunks that are just charming. She chose the pink Wander Woods and the green Summer Ride, which are two of my favorites, and fit in perfectly with her paint colors and decor. 

I have loved the process of creating wallpapers and wall decals for kids. These wallpapers are unique in that they are made of fabric, so they are strong and resilient, and are actually peel and stick for easy application and easy removal. When you are done, you can take it down, and use it in another space! I've gotten about 4-5 uses out of mine as I've moved them around to various spots in my home. And it makes for the perfect touch of detail when you don't want to make a huge commitment in your home or for your kids! 

Stephanie knows how to bring her children's spaces to life, and add so much whimsy. Even though her oldest is edging on her teenage years, there is still so much magic and innocence which I just love. 

Stephanie's home was featured in the TODAY SHOW at TODAY.COM and you can see the rest of the pictures of here home here. Photos by Nicole Hill Gerulot and Styling by Veronica Olsen

Thank you Stephanie for sharing your home with us, and inspiring us all with your beautiful home! 

Wallpapers and Wall decals can be found here in my shop. Use the code NIENIE15 to get 15% off all wallpaper and decals this week.


Sarah Jane Interview

I recently had an interview with Kenyon Brook where we talked about my work, style and motherhood in the mix. It's something I love to talk about, because it's such a part of what I believe in as an artist and as a mom. It's important to keep things in perspective while raising children, yet at the same time, they are my inspiration. 

Growing as an artist and developing my style has been such a wonderful journey and I see how my mothering has helped to steer that course. When I started my career almost 8 years ago I wasn't the same person as I am now, and that's a good thing! 

Thanks Kenyon for the interview! 


Desire to Inspire

What an amazing day it was when Aarean of Color Issue came to my home and interviewed me on what it meant to be a creative person, business owner and mother. At the core of what I do, I truly believe in motherhood and childhood, and it's been a journey of faith and fun as I've driven myself to achieve things and become things I never would have become had I not set out on this journey of entrepreneurship. Sometimes it's hard to see, until you really take the time to look back, see your journey from a distance, talk with people who truly inspire you, and take the time to see the inspiring path's of others. 

I am so inspired by the women interviewed in this video: Elle of Solly Baby Wrap, Stephanie Nielson of NieNie Dialoges, Katie Richardson of PUJ and Susan Peterson of Freshly Picked. I can honestly call each of these women friends, colleagues, mentors and fellow adventurers in this journey of Creative Business and Motherhood. I'm honored to have been a part of each one of their journey's, and I know that faith and family driven business brings out amazing results. You will love the chance to hear from each one of them! I'm at the very end, but don't's all wonderful stuff. 

Thank you so much Aarean (and Paige for beautifully filming!) and for taking the time to share the messages here in order to inspire and support women who have a dream, and wish to give of themselves in some way. 

I hope you enjoy! 

This Girl Art Print Series

I'm so excited to talk about this collaboration with The House That Lars Built, and offer you a new series of art prints! 

If you follow the Brittany's lovely blog, you'll know that you already love her THIS GIRL series, where she curates a collection of interior and fashion photos that would show a well designed woman in her likely living space. 

I've loved the series for years, and a few months ago, felt inspired to watercolor a piece that was a combination of all those photos, featuring a woman really IN the space.  We all love portraits, and we all love interiors, but why not combine both together in original art that says something about daily living in a space that inspires? 

Each month, for the next year, we will be releasing a new art print. Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14 and 16x20. For the featured month, that print will be at a special discounted price. And then to make room for the next month's print, the discounted price will go to the new featured print. 

So without further adieu, say Bonjour to Anouk....the first THIS GIRL print in our series. We thought she looked a bit French, non? 

I am excited to have a series out again, with new prints coming monthly. These prints are so beautiful in person. Hand signed and gorgeously printed on archival watercolor paper. I hope they inspire your spaces at home! 

If you haven't gotten to know Brittany's lovely blog, visit here, and see her amazing series of THIS GIRL that has been going on for 4 years strong. 

And head over to the shop for this month and take a closer peek at ANOUK. 

5 Ways to Garden An At Home Creative Business

Today, some thoughts about how building a creative career while rearing a houseful of children is just like gardening. 

1) Gardening is messy. I mean, let's get real. We are growing in dirt. Good, rich, amazing, awesome, yummy soil! It's amazing! But it's messy. Let's not deny this, look past it, or pretend we are growing a garden on marble slabs. You just can't. You've got your nails, your knees, on your feet, and in your shoes. And it's all part of the job. Our big beautiful job. Show it off, be proud of it...learn how to keep it off your kitchen floor of course, but don't be ashamed if your life is messy. None of us are primped and curled all day. It takes digging in the dirt to produce really great work. Let yourself get messy.

2) You can't go a day without tending your garden. Contrary to popular belief, you can't really take a day off from tending your garden. I mean, if you have things on Auto-pilot with an irrigation system you can. And that's how we can go on vacation. Find ways to get part of your business on auto-pilot. For me, it's shipping and handling, scheduling social media when I can, having a calendar, streamlining business, etc. Kids, however, there really isn't any auto pilot there:) So for me, I'm constantly tending to something. So when the down time does come, in small and infrequent bouts, I relish in it. Maintenance  is part of the deal. I'm not a maintenance person, so this one is hard for me. But the more I accept it, the better I get. 

3) Plan for the long haul. One thing I've learned from my husband, who LOVES to garden, is that crops do better with time. The longer you garden, the better you get and more you learn. But the interesting thing about gardening, is that unless you live in California, you only get one chance a year at figuring things out. So it takes time. Our first year planting strawberries we learned that the birds would go straight for them, and we needed to protect them better. But it took until the next year to apply what we had learned. And so it is with your business...especially with kids in tow. Things take longer while you are raising children and building a creative career. And that's ok. In the long run, you will be better for it. Let things take their course, and learn from your mistakes, applying them along the way. You aren't in a race. You are building your life. So be patient. 

4) There are dormant seasons. Like any normal garden, there are seasons that apply to it. Plants go dormant. You have to prune and cut back, so you can make way for new growth to come. And in a creative business, you will have set backs, creative blocks, seasons where the ideas just aren't coming. Be ok with that. Let the winter come. And know that Spring ALWAYS ALWAYS comes. The first time I experienced "winters" in my career, I panicked. Would I every get back on my feet? Would I ever have my creative flow back? I honestly thought I was done. And when you are in the public view, it's a terrifying feeling. But, let me tell you, it's all just a season. Let the winter come, and take advantage of the empty space. Take a vacation, prepare for when the ideas will come, clean out a closet. Have trust in your creative seasons. 

5) Pace yourself. Something about this world of social media had convinced me on some level that unless we are go-go-go and always on, the world will stop. I'm not really sure where I started to believe that nonsense, but as soon as I recognized that I had started to pick up on that belief, I stopped dead in my tracks. Who says we have to be ON 24/7? Who says we have to be bearing "fruit" every season? This goes hand in hand with principal 3 & 4. Learn to pace yourself. My husband had a huge "Ah-ha" that he shared with me last night. It's not about managing your time, it's about managing your energy. We all have the same amount of time. But learning to pace your energy is personal to you, your family and your goals. Take time when you need to take time. Step away when you need to step away. Your garden will always be there. And it's SO important that you pace yourself for your lifestyle, and not for someone else. Your Garden isn't your neighbors garden. Pay attention to what you are growing in your life, and tend to it accordingly. Gardens will tell you what they need, just like children and just like your business. Watch for the signs and symptoms that some with pacing yourself too fast or too slow, and take the time to learn your personal pace. 


For me, this is an on going, personal learning process. But when I have been able to step back, and apply these principles, it's more than what I ever expected it to be. I guess that would be principle #6: The end result always ends up being worth it. YOU planted it. YOU did this. And it's the best feeling to see the garden growing. But it's not without hard work, that often becomes overshadowing to the end goal. So glad I get to learn what I'm messy as it can be sometimes:) This cute picture above is an outtake from my photoshoot with Chant Vaughn, and Anders just wasn't happy at all that day. We had the photoshoot scheduled weeks in advance, and it just so happened that the next morning I discovered he had a double ear infection. Poor Baby! We got at least one good picture, which is all you really need, right? The realities of working with kids. It's messy, but I love it! 


New Christian Art for Nurseries

For years I have struggled with finding the right picture of Jesus for my children's room. I don't talk about my faith often enough here, but Jesus is the center of our family, and I care so much about having visual reminders around the home.

As a mother of 4 children, and even as a child myself, I've noticed that children aren't as attracted to the pictures of Christ that are more dramatic, dark or earth tone in color. Children know Jesus to be the creator of our colorful world, tender, soft and gentle. They haven't yet come to know the Redemptive Christ that is more often portrayed in Christian art. They relate to a sweet Jesus, colorful and bright. I've wanted to create my own illustrations for a while, but I've put it off because, well.....llustrating a picture of Jesus is rather an intimidating task!! But after talking with other mothers about my feelings on this, I realized that maybe it's's difficult to find art of the Savior in colors that we decorate our babies nurseries in. It's difficult to find pictures of Jesus that are simple and non-classical in nature. And for very good reasons...deciding to illustrate this print was maybe the hardest thing I've ever chosen to do!

This print, JESUS LOVES ME, is available in two colors. I couldn't decide which I liked best, so they are both available! This is the first in hopefully more Christian art prints that I hope to bring to the shop in an effort to help Moms, like me, find Christian art that inspires but also fits in the decor of a child's space.  I've already put this one up in my kid's rooms, and they love it. I hope your children love it too! 

I will be debuting these at BYU on Friday at the BYU bookstore at Women's Conference and would love to see you there if you are local! They are available in the shop now!