Lunch Notes

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School lunches have started. We're having a lot of fun with them this year too! (We're bento boxing for the first time...any of you bento fans? I'm loving it!) mother was an AMAZING school lunch mom. Looking back, and especially now that I'm packing lunches daily, it amazes me that she packed notes each school day for 20 years in all 5 kids lunches.

Ya. I'm living in a tough shadow:)

So now, I send my kids to school with a note every day too. On their napkin. But it's always in pictures (which are faster for me than words most often:)

And it's always rushed. (What? School mornings rushed?)

So I thought I'd start sending some more prepared little notes too. (We might actually get to school EARLY with these printed notes lying around for emergencies!)

Could you use some ?

I’ve made THESE PRINTABLE LUNCH BOX NOTES for you grab in the shop…180 ready to go illustrated and designed notes…as well as 72 blanks notes!

Or, feel free to download the free pages below! There are 2 pages of notes, and it’s great in a pinch!

lunch quote 2 sarah jane blog

lunch quote 2 sarah jane blog



Happy lunch making:)


sarah jane