DIY Gratitude Tradition:


One tradition we have in our family, is the I LOVE YOU BECAUSE game. Each birthday, we go around the table, and say I LOVE YOU BECAUSE..... to the person we are celebrating! I love this tradition, and it's one that we bring to every birthday...regardless who is in attendance. I love it.

So forThanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to start a new tradition, and WEAR the reasons we are loved.

Each person gets as many feathers as there are people at the table.

Each person writes down what they are grateful for about that person.

Then, all the feathers are passed to the recipient, and they get to wear all the reasons people are grateful for them.

We often don't know why, specifically, people are grateful for us. This year, I'm making sure my kids know that everyone in their family is indeed....grateful for them.  And more importantly, why.

You can wear these, hang them, pin them, or make a piece of art.

Either way, I hope it helps us all take time to show gratitude for the people in our lives who mean the most to us.


Happy Thanksgiving!


God bless.