warm & oh so snuggly.

Hello! I'm back home, barely unpacked, and SO ready for 2012. This is going to be a GREAT year, yes? I'm feeling it.

But before I dive into 2012, I wanted to post some things that made me smile this year for Christmas.

Click picture for link

So many of you have sent me pictures, or posted to the FLICKR group your luscious Christmas gifts you've slaved away on. And I wanted to share some here, but had to wait till after Christmas...(I didn't want to spoil any surprises!). This is my first experience with seeing my work under other people's Christmas Trees....well, YOUR work! Your creativity with my fabric. And I was just so humbled to be be a small part of those moments. I know this must be normal for some people. But it's not for me. I feel like in some way that I get to travel to each one of you and give you a hug...in some e-hug sort of way. I hope to never get over that actually. It really does delight me to think of little children all over the world being connected somehow. I think a lot about those things.

OK. But really. So many of you went to awesome lengths. Like ABOVE: 6 pairs of Pajamas for 6 kids on Christmas Eve. These things tickle me!

And hello? That quilt? Another Christmas gift I would have died to get myself.

Click picture for link

But this one is my fav. These Oliver & S pajamas  pattern made it to the Polar Express...the North Pole and back...ahem....which makes me warm all over.

Can you get over the look on that little boy? Pure joy.

Click picture for link

I hope your Christmas was just that. Pure Magic. Joy. Delight and warm all over.

And I did I ever show you this nightgown made for Addie? It's from an old McCall's pattern from the 1970's. She wears it every night.

{Did you know Children at Play had flannels? Yep.}

So. I'm back....getting back...in gear. I completely unplugged for 2 weeks, and wow. It felt good. I even went a few days there not really knowing where phone was. I kinda liked it. A lot. Trick is re-learning how to get on a schedule again:)

Happy New Year everyone!!

