Hana red.

Getting away to a gorgeous part of the earth was a  total rebirth for me...being around color was so energizing! Literally! I mean, really....I had a love affair with color every.single. day.

Every where I turned there was color-color-color! Like laughter all around me! I could just drown in it.

You know, it's interesting. I have color in my head all the time. But I haven't really colored our home yet.  I don't even have many indoor flowers and plants, and I'm feeling rather ashamed about it! I've decided to invest in flowers for garden, and totally investing in cut bouquets through the winter. I must have color!

Can you believe these shades of red?

No photoshop here!! Straight from my camera. Amazing.

Man. Hana bleeds color.

Must have more color around me! Official mission of 2012: Color bursts!

Ahhh....Feeling better already. I think I'll go paint something red now.