Giveaway #3: Darlybird

darly bird giveaway  

So these giveaways are getting better and better. Have you noticed?

Confession: Darlybird has been favorite online boutique of mine since I discovered her products popping up all over Stephanie's house. And then, Rachel the all-star owner, moved into my hometown and opened a fabric boutique about 10 minutes from my house, with an entire room (and then some) dedicated to eclectic Darlybird cuteness. My confession? This is my go-to shop to visit when I'm down. It always cheers me up. So much color and happiness.  You can't beat her prices. And I've never left empty handed;)

Today, Darly Bird is giving away ONE grand gift certificate of $50 to use anywhere in the shop. FIVE will receive GOODY BAGS which are mystery bags stuffed with random lovely goods from the shop, amounting to $45 each in product. And ALL can use the code 'SARAHJANE' to get 20% off the shop until MAY 1st, 2013! (Amazing!!)

I'm so excited for you. You're gonna get hooked.


1) Visit Darlybird Shop

2) Leave a comment here below and give them some love


4) Subscribe to her awesome newsletter (you will want to...she's got some amazing stuff up her sleeve) and leave a comment below telling me you’ve done so


5) Giveaway ends Friday @ Midnight EST

6) Don’t forget to use the 20% off coupon SARAHJANE good until May 1st

Good Luck!!

Don't forget about our other giveaways...entries are open for all of them all week! More giveaways yet to come, so come by tomorrow too! 

 COMMENTS CLOSED: Winners are: Stacy M, Mindy G, Ali J, Lesa & Melissa S