
The blog has been full of pretty things and projects lately, and I've not really taken the chance to share a couple thought's I've been having.

Have you ever had the experience of being completely down, broken or vulnerable but to look up and see a certain sky that is so breathtaking and so unique you know it was meant for just you?

I have.

Many times.

Our little fixer-upper cottage sits on top of a hill where I can see the sunset every day. And I often wonder, when those post-stormy sunsets burst through, "I wonder who that one is for tonight."

I've struggled enough to know that those moments of bursting sunlight through the clouds can be just the symbol needed to smile and keep my gaze up. And because I get to see it every evening, I think about all the people seeing that same glorious setting and who might need it most.

I tired mother? I newly widowed neighbor? A frustrated teen?

I don't always think about these in more than abstract thoughts, but it does make me recognize how far our fire can go if we just light it. 

Do you see those sun rays spreading over miles of sky? Piercing through the last bits of heavy cloud?

I'm going to be honest with you, and say that I'm actually a naturally shy person who feels comfortable with the few close people in my life, namely my family and a few friends. Sharing my art started as an experiment and has turned into more than just a hobby. But I won't lie and say that I often wish I could just keep myself behind that cloud. Especially when I'm tired and times get hard. Cause they do. But seeing this sunset yesterday.... seeing those beaming rays from one little peek of sun.... reminded me that while it can be hard to put myself out there all the time and every really never know how far it can reach, or who will chance to see it.

And that is a beautiful concept. It's passion that pushes me out of my shell....passion for art, for children, for beauty, simplicity and what could be.

So, I guess you could say that I'm convinced that we all have a light to shine, but just as important, we have light to inspire us to keep the fire going.

Joy. Love. Passion. Care. Deep Curiosity. Ambition. Motivation. Self Purpose. Heart.

These can ebb and flow. Thank goodness for "lights" that whisper to us to keep our light shining.

I'm peeking through today to nod  to all you fire-y beautiful people. Incase anyone needed to see a sunset. Love to you all.

